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Simplifying Hey Email’s Imbox

Updated: Dec 20, 2021 Email Imbox with simple cover arts

I’ve been waiting on custom domains from Hey to jump on the critically acclaimed email service.

I don’t always agree with Hey’s design aesthetic, but am loving the service like many others.

One example: I don’t want previously read emails cluttering my Imbox (no, that’s not a typo). It’s not obvious, but you can hide previously read emails with their Cover Art feature.

They offer six fun abstract cover art patterns, but I want something cleaner so I made a solid image that matches the screen background so it always looks like one big Imbox.

I did this on the Mac, iPhone, and iPad Hey app.

Here are the hex colors for each device:

  • Mac: 27323E

  • iPhone/iPad: 1B2834

Or, download the images:

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